Say No to Plastic Swabs to Stop White Pollution
Plastic is essential in our life. It is well known. Plastic has also caused serious white pollution, shopping malls have switched to biodegradable plastic bags, businesses have banned foam lunch boxes, however, an often-neglected plastic products are also in serious harm to our world, which is plastic swabs. 
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Five facts about understanding plastics
Fifty years ago, plastic was not as ubiquitous as it is today. Plastic had not yet entered our food chain, organs, blood, and breast milk, and seabirds had not been diagnosed with a new disease called 'plastic disease'.
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Unknown plastic crisis, what should we do
In recent years, plastic products have been widely used in global life. Their lightweight, sturdy, and durable characteristics make people's lives more convenient. However, the plastic crisis has also emerged, inevitably bringing environmental pollution and health risks, forcing people to re-examine the use and disposal of plastic products.
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It eats plastic, you eat it
There are billions of plastic fragments in the ocean, which are very small and difficult for humans to observe with the naked eye. However, they float in the global ocean, from shallow waters to hundreds of meters deep underwater. These plastic particles, known as microplastics, are usually produced when larger plastic items such as shopping bags and food containers decompose.
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