Tap Water: Inescapably Contaminated by Microplastics

In recent years, the issue of microplastic pollution has emerged as a global environmental concern. While we often associate this pollution with oceans and landfills, a growing body of research reveals a more worrying fact: tap water, the very source of our daily hydration, is also not immune to microplastic contamination.

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Express packaging is also a major plastic polluter

In modern society, the booming e - commerce industry has led to a remarkable increase in express delivery services. While this has brought great convenience to consumers, it has also given rise to a serious environmental issue: plastic pollution from express packaging.

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What do you know about the dangers of plastic to marine life

Marine life often mistakes plastic bags, plastic fragments, etc. for food, resulting in accidental eating and suffocation. Plastic fragments may also be wrapped around marine animals, affecting their normal life. ln addition, after microplastics are consumed by small marine organisms, they will enter the food chain, which may eventually affect human food supply.

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