The invention of plastic was once considered one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century, and only a little over 100 years later it has already become the biggest ''headache'' of all.2020 research shows that microplastic pollution is already everywhere, including snow and spring water from Mt. Everest, water samples from the Mariana Trench, and microplastics detected on beaches and river silt all over the world, and the worst of all is that it is already present in humans' bodies have also been present!

Microplastics have the ability to enter living organisms through the food chain and can accumulate in the human body. It can disrupt the sleep structure of humans, shorten lifespans, and reduce ovary size, cause intestinal damage, and can even cause females to miscarry.

In 2020 Nature Food published an article that microplastics are also present in large quantities in baby bottles, and microplastic components detected in infant meconium come from the mother's placenta. A study at the Hull York Medical School in the UK found that ingesting microplastics can lead to cytotoxicity, immune response, oxidative stress and impaired barrier properties.

What are some of our most overlooked daily hazards? The biggest source of plastic is drinking water, with up to 1,769 microplastic particles ingested each week from drinking water alone. However, drinking boiled water that has been boiled can reduce your intake by 90%.
Less use of plastic utensils to heat food, food containing fat, microplastics have a high degree of hydrophobicity lipophilicity, high temperature heating and oil will increase the intake of microplastics, so eating takeaway is not only not nutritious, but also eat more plastic! Our recklessness with the environment will eventually pay for itself.